Thursday, August 9, 2012

Apology, and a Quick Note About Pants

I'm sorry for the hiatus over the past week, I just moved into a new apartment in San Francisco, and we didn't have internet until today. Sorry about that!

So, anyways, on with the clothing talk:

I’m a full-time student with a part-time job (at PacSun, where the “brand reps” don’t know what a henley is), so I almost exclusively wear jeans, cords, and chinos. However, I’ve never felt limited by this, because of how many colors and styles they come in. In my opinion, a guy doesn’t need a million pairs of trousers, as long as he has a dark pair (black, dark blue, brown), a medium pair (grey, blue, dark khaki), and a light pair (white, light blue, khaki), he’s covered. And, from there, you can start adding on some statement pieces and seasonal stuff (e.g., red cords, plaid trousers, linen slacks).

Again, this is just my opinion, and a humble one at that. Of course, this is also coming from a purely casual dresser, and my style of dress will obviously be different from a guy who has an office job. But I believe the take-away message is just the same.

Dress well, and be well!

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